Planning Case Study 36

Trafford Old Hall, Chester Road, Trafford, Greater Manchester


Planning scenario(s)

4 - Pre-determination assessment/evaluation led to a modified development proposal - Pre-determination assessment/evaluation results led to a change in the extent or design of development.

Heritage assets affected

Non-designated heritage assets of archaeological and historic interest

Type of application & broad category


Local planning authority

Authority: Trafford Council
References: H/46272/98 and H/UDC/39503

Development proposal

Erection of a bingo hall with ancillary car parking and landscaping, and access from Chester Road, former Car Auction Site, Talbot Road, Old Trafford, later changed to: Erection of a vehicle sales centre with ancillary repair workshop and car display area.

Archaeological information known about the site before the planning application was made, or before the development commenced, as appropriate

The former site of Trafford Old Hall, demolished in the 1930s, which was used as a car park and car auction compound.

Archaeological/planning processes

A pre-application desk-based assessment was followed by a total archaeological strip, clean and record exercise in 1998. This demonstrated that the full footprint of the hall had survived in the form of the dwarf stone walls for a timber-framed structure, although there were pockets of 19th and 20th century disturbance. Finds recovered dated from the 12th to 20th century.

The new sales warehouse building was proposed to be fairly lightweight and did not require substantial earthmoving and foundations.

The archaeological advisor to the LPA and the archaeology contractor worked with the developer and the LPA to agree a scheme of clusters of micro-pile foundations that were targeted at disturbed areas to minimise harm to the archaeology.

It was not necessary therefore to have costly full excavation. The remains were sealed with a protective layer and are preserved under the new building.

Outcomes: archaeological

Early assessment and archaeological investigation enabled well-preserved medieval archaeological remains to be preserved in situ by redesign of building foundations, thereby also minimising costs to the developer.

References and links/bibliography

  • MAP Archaeological Consultancy Ltd 2005, Trafford Old Hall, Manchester, Archaeological Excavations and Watching Brief. Unpublished report.