Human Osteoarchaeology Special Interest Group

We are looking for ordinary committee members!

We have two vacancies on our committee for ordinary committee members and are keen to hear from anyone with a human osteology background who would like to join us by cooption.

Ordinary committee members are responsible for helping to support the Officer roles to undertake group activities. They support the group by attending meetings to discuss group activities and areas of interest, help to develop and keep up to date with our new 3-year plan, and can take on specific areas of responsibility including events coordinator, newsletter editor, or communications manager.

We actively encourage and welcome applications from all individuals, and no previous experience on a committee is necessary for these roles. You must be a member of CIfA, either accredited (PCIfA, ACIfA, or MCIfA) or a non-accredited (Student or Affliliate).

For more information about the responsibilities or to express interest in joining the committee, please contact groups [at] where we can discuss the role and provide you with a cooption form to complete.


Human Osteoarchaeology Special Interest Group represents the interests of professionals who work or have an interest in the area of osteoarchaeology and burial studies. We aim to promote standards and good practice for the excavation, treatment, conservation, analysis and curation of human remains and funerary archaeology from the historic environment.

Join the Group

Membership is free to CIfA members through the Members area login. Those who are not members of the institute will need to pay an annual £10 fee and can join here

Twitter: follow @OsteoSIG on Twitter
Facebook : join the private Facebook group for Human Osteoarchaeology Special Interest Group here


Samantha Tipper (Interim Chair)
Nicholas Baker (Treasurer)
Kirsty Squires (Secretary)
Sabrina Ki
Heidi Dawson-Hobbis
Jenny Mikkelsen
Milena Grzybowska
Sharon Clough (Advisor)

Specialist competence matrix

This specialist matrix is to assist applicants and the Validation committee to see where you demonstrate the grade applied for when working in Osteology.

Forthcoming events

For information about upcoming events, please visit our event calendar.

Previous events

  • Puberty in the Past Workshop and Human Osteology AGM
    To assess the pubertal stage, seven individual osteological markers have been developed, including the extent of the development of the mandibular canine root and hook of hamate, fusion epiphyses of the hand phalanges, distal radius and humerus, and proximal ulna, the presence and fusion of the iliac crest epiphysis, and the morphology of the cervical vertebral body. A recording form has been developed to summarize the assessment criteria, to ease the application of the techniques. A summary table has also been developed to aid in the estimation of the stage of puberty the individual was experiencing, as well as an indication of the physical changes the body was undergoing at the time of death.

  • Palaeoradiology - A Workshop for Osteoarchaeologists

Three-year plan

3 year plan 2021 - 2024

AGM minutes

2024 AGM minutes
2023 AGM minutes
3 November 2021
29 September 2020

Committee meeting minutes

Committee meeting minutes 20 June 2024
Joint meeting minutes with FASIG 10 August 2023