Nominations now open
This year we have nominations open for a chair, as well as two ordinary committee members.
We are really eager to recruit a Chair to the Group and would be interested in hearing from anyone who is interested. To be eligible you must be member of CIfA at PCIfA, ACIfA or MCIfA and have a keen interest in enabling those working in the historic environment / heritage sectors to create, access and share digital data together with the standards involved in these processes
We also have vacancies for two ordinary committee members to support the committee with responsibilities as needed. You should be a member of CIfA but do not need to be an accredited member - we welcome applications from student or affiliate members. You don't need to have experience on a committee, just a desire to get involved and enthusiasm to shape the next steps for the Group!
If you would like more information about what is involved please email groups [at] or you can apply today by completing this nomination form
CIfA's Information Management Special Interest Group represents the interests of professionals who work or have an interest in the area of information management. The group aims to promote standards and good practice relevant to the management of all aspects of historic environment and wider heritage sector information through the activities of the CIfA.
The group focuses on how those working in the historic environment/ heritage sector create, access and share digital data together with the standards involved in these processes. Our work relates to
- data capture and recording practice
- recording system design
- archiving of digital data
- promoting access to information
- re-use of digital archives
The Information Management Group works to coordinate, develop, maintain and promote standards for the recording of heritage information, to promote best practice and share experience in the application of information standards, and promote and seek involvement in the future development of existing data standards.
Join the Group
Membership is free to CIfA members through the Members area login. Those who are not members of the institute will need to pay an annual £10 fee and can join here
Twitter: Follow IMSIG on twitter @CImsig
Katie Green (Secretary)
Laura O'Connor (Treasurer)
Jessica Irwin
Eileen Kerhouant
Theodora Anastasiadou
Gary Duckers (Advisor)
Simon Parsons (Advisor)
Specialist competence matrix
The specialist matrix is to assist applicants and the Validation committee to see where you demonstrate the grade applied for when working in Information management.
Forthcoming Events
For information about upcoming events, please visit our event calendar.
Three-year plan
AGM minutes
AGM minutes 14 December 2023
AGM minutes 27 September 2022
Committee minutes
Committee meeting minutes 16 January 2024
Committee meeting minutes 9 November 2023
Committee meeting minutes 8 December 2022
Committee meeting minutes 3 November 2022