CIfA Annual Review 2019-2020

Welcome to the Annual Review of the Chartered Institute for Archaeologists 2019–2020.

The review highlights some of the key areas of work we have completed or made significant progress on over the last twelve months, working towards our aim for all professional archaeologists to have the skills, integrity and versatility to ensure archaeology brings real benefit to people’s daily lives. 

This has included enhancing good practice through revisions to our Standards and guidance, reviewing the Institute’s role in addressing equality and diversity in archaeology, and providing a range of CPD and training events.

The areas we have particularly focused on are

  • Developing our membership
  • Supporting career development
  • Creating, promoting and enforcing professional standards
  • Policy, partnerships and collaboration
  • Celebrating our volunteers

If you would like to know any more about our areas of work or would like to get more involved in any of our committees please contact