CPD and scoping for the marine historic environment in Scotland

Wessex Archaeology Coastal and Marine have released a report into CPD and training provision for the marine historic environment in Scotland.

This scoping exercise explored what the heritage sector, including government employees, Local Authority Archaeology Services, professional units, university departments, and individual researchers need to know; availability of relevant training; and gaps in provision; together with options for cost-effective delivery. The exercise also explored what could be done to raise awareness about consideration for marine heritage across industry and other marine management sectors.

To download the full report, follow this link.

The aim of the scoping was:

  • To explore what the professional heritage sector and industry need to know in light of developments in legislative, licensing and planning mechanisms for the marine sector;

  • To understand the availability of relevant training and gaps in provision for the professional heritage sector and industry; and

  • To explore options for cost effective delivery of appropriate awareness raising initiatives

The report includes the results of the scoping exercise along with findings and recommendations.

The scoping exercise was undertaken by Wessex Archaeology for IfA on behalf of Historic Scotland and will inform the delivery of training initiatives for those researching the marine historic environment.