The World after PPG 16: 21st-century Challenges for Archaeology

Pre CIfA conference draft project report: background to the project, workshop summaries and recommendations

CIfA and Historic England will discuss how best to implement or follow up the main recommendations of the workshops, in consultation with other sector partners.

Some of the recommendations from Workshop 1 have already been acted upon, such as ensuring that The Mendoza Review: an independent review of Museums in England in 2017 recognised the challenges facing archaeological archives; other recommendations from this workshop are being taken forward by an archives advisory group.

To extend the discussion and to help plan for implementation, there will be a follow-up session in Brighton on 25th April at the CIfA conference 2018 Pulling together: collaboration, synthesis, innovation.

How to get involved

Comments on any of the recommendations from the workshops are welcome up until the end of April. Please email any thoughts to: janwills [at]

Come to the CIfA conference session and join in the discussion; in preparation for the conference a summary report on the project is now available here .