Understanding the Archaeology of Landscapes: A Guide to Good Recording Practice (Second Edition)

This document https://www.historicengland.org.uk/images-books/publications/understandi... is an updated version of guidance produced in 2007 by English Heritage. It outlines non-invasive fieldwork approaches to surveying, investigating and interpreting archaeological sites and landscapes. It is relevant to archaeologists working in the commercial sector, to those conducting academic research projects, and to the voluntary sector and community groups.

This Second Edition follows the sound methodological principles set out in the original document, but reflects changes in approach that have been largely stimulated by the significant technological advances witnessed over the last decade. It incorporates updated advice on survey equipment and procedures as well as outlining new approaches to recording and visualisation, such as Structure from Motion and Multi-View Stereo applications. A number of new Case Studies are included which illustrate the application in practice of the technological approaches outlined.

This Second Edition also includes current sources of information and advice, and an updated list of References.