Labour in German commercial archaeology

In 2019 the German archaeological society, the Deutschen Gesellschaft für Ur- und Frühgeschichte e.V, (DGUF) carried out a major survey on work conditions in the German commercial archaeology sector. The final outcomes of the survey have been commented on by CIfA-Deutschland, as part of the group’s commitment to political engagement in the country.

The alarming result was that, despite being the fastest growing archaeological sector in Germany, commercial practice faces a poor reputation and low pay. This report demonstrates the desire to implement university courses which specialise in commercial archaeology. It is hoped that doing so will both equip graduates with the skills they need to manage a successful commercial unit and form a joint taskforce for improvement between commercial specialisms, universities, CIfA and the wider public.

CIfA and DGUF have held a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) since June 2018. The MoU recognises the commitment both organisations have to promoting archaeology and good practice. You can read more about the MoU and what this means in practice here.