CIfA to reflect on the Chartered Archaeologist vote

At an Extraordinary General Meeting, held in Leeds on Friday, 26 April 2019, accredited members of the Chartered Institute for Archaeologist (CIfA) voted not to petition the Privy Council to introduction of a new Chartered Archaeologist grade of accredited member.

The motion required the support of 75% of those voting and achieved the support of 55%.   

“Although the result was not enough to pass the resolution, we are encouraged that 29% of eligible members voted and that a majority voted Yes. We are also encouraged that the online voting system has been successful at providing more members an opportunity to influence the result.”, commented Stephen Carter, CIfA Hon. Chair.

The CIfA Board will now analyse the vote data, including comments for and against, and will discuss at the next Board meeting in May and will report back to members in due course.