Announcement of the result of a professional conduct investigation

The Institute’s Regulations for professional conduct set out the procedure by which the Institute determines whether any allegation requires formal investigation, and if so, how that investigation will be carried out. If formal proceedings take place, each party is given an opportunity to present their case or to defend themselves against the allegation. The procedures also allow for representation and appeal against the findings and any sanctions.

If a breach of the Code of conduct is found, resulting in a reprimand, suspension or expulsion, the Institute will publish the name of the member and the details of the sanction, unless there are exceptional compassionate grounds for not doing so.

Following receipt of an alleged breach of the Code of conduct by Dr Neil Phillips (MCIfA 4717), a Professional Conduct panel was convened to investigate. The panel found there to be a significant breach of the Code and a Sanctions panel was appointed to determine what sanction should be imposed. The decision was to issue the following formal reprimand:

CIfA member Dr Neil Philips has committed a clear breach of CIfA’s Code of conduct by dealing with a potential client in an unprofessional manner and failing to respond to questions clearly. CIfA is a professional organisation and expects its members to demonstrate an appropriate level of respect, courtesy and competence in all business dealings with third parties, regardless of the attitudes or behaviour that members may be confronted with. CIfA strongly rebukes Dr Philips and has issued him with a set of advisory recommendations. CIfA expects Dr Philips to demonstrate full compliance with the Code of conduct in all his future work.

Further information about the complaint process and the annual review of allegations received by CIfA which are published in The Archaeologist are available here.