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Find out more about the basics of DNA, why DNA analysis has become much more viable in the last 10 years, what remains can be sampled/analysed, the impact and what questions that DNA sampling information could be used to answer.


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Dr. Tom Booth, Senior Research Scientist at The Francis Crick Institute will lead this presentation for archaeologists and museum professionals alike and will discuss the DNA analysis of human remains as well as its application to faunal remains.

The presentation will provide an overview of where we are with DNA analysis and help to address some of the big claims that have been made more recently about DNA. The session will explore what DNA might be able to tell you about your site/assemblage, and help to illuminate what to expect if you’re receiving requests for DNA samples.

Join us to find out more about the basics of DNA, why DNA analysis has become much more viable in the last 10 years, what remains can be sampled/analysed, the impact and what questions that DNA sampling information could be used to answer.

Note - this presentation may contain images of human remains.

Featured presenters

  • Dr. Thomas Booth, Senior Research Scientist, The Francis Crick Institute

Additional information
The Zoom link will be sent out to all registrants two hours before the start of the event.
This presentation will also be recorded.

Contact us
If you have any questions at all or require any assistance in registering or accessing this event, please contact the CIfA Events team:


March 16th, 2021 6:00 PM (BST/UTC+1)   to   7:00 PM (BST/UTC+1)