August 2015 Consultation responses

CIfA has responded to several consultations in August. These include the following:

DCLG and DCMS on How the Planning System in England Can Support the Delivery of Mobile Connectivity
A response to the Call for Evidence from DCLG and DCMS as part of their Review of How the Planning System in England Can Support the Delivery of Mobile Connectivity. Government’s proposals in this regard centre once again on the extension of permitted development rights. Although the Institute is supportive of initiatives to facilitate the delivery of mobile connectivity, it continues to express concern about the absence of adequate safeguards for the historic environment. A copy of CIfA’s response can be found at here

Consultation on Permitted Development Rights - Non-Domestic Solar Panels and Domestic Air Source Heat Pumps
CIfA has responded to this consultation, the latest in a long line of consultations throughout the United Kingdom on the extension of permitted development rights, expressing concerns about the effect of such extensions upon the historic environment and highlighting the need for adequate safeguards. The Institute continues to respond to consultations as they arise, but is seeking to address wider concerns with the relevant administrations. A copy of CIfA’s response can be found at here

Welsh Government’s consultation on Developments of National Significance (DNS)
CIfA has responded to Welsh Government’s consultation on Developments of National Significance (DNS) seeking to ensure that
• the impacts of such development on the historic environment and the historic environment’s contribution to sustainable development are fully addressed in considering DNS
• the role of local authorities and the Welsh Archaeological Trusts in this process are recognised and supported
A full copy of the Institute’s response can be found at here

Consultation on an Industrial Heritage Strategy for Scotland
CIfA supports the latest draft of the Industrial Heritage Strategy for Scotland, but seeks greater prominence for archaeology in the strategy. The Institute’s response can be found at here